Rule in Making Money with Adsense

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I know, I know. Some people write articles on the top 100 ways to make money or the top 50,40,30 what ever. Believe me I have them all and they are useful. All this being said though there still is one major thing that can't be overlooked when trying to make money using Google Adsense and that's your audience.

I've read numerous articles that keep repeating the same few words over and over in a ploy to make money and have people click there ads. These people learn the hard way that that does not work in fact all it does is drive people away.

Articles have to be of some value to the reader or they are no good to anyone. You must target your audience and really try to put yourself the their shoes when you write. In general people don't like to feel scammed or fooled by someone just trying to make a fast buck. The more genuine and informative your content the more likely people are to return for more and hopefully tell others as well.

You can't write for everybody at once, figure out the target audience and imagine you are them. Try to figure out what they are looking for and more important, how they are going about it. If you are writing an Adsence Article and posting on a food site that will not help you very much. Submit your work where it will have an impact on the viewers or else you are wasting valuable time.

It's best to put the money part aside an focus on your writing because once you got that down the rest will follow naturally, guaranteed.

Top Adsense Blog: Two Of The Biggest Obstacles In Creating One

Many of us usually greatly envy anybody who owns a top Adsense blog. More so because we tend to spend a lot of time, seemingly in vain without yielding the sort of results that would suggest that our Adsense blogs are rapidly headed to the top.
Actually there are two major obstacles bloggers usually face that are the biggest hindrance in their efforts to create a top Adsense blog.
a) Top Adsense blog Obstacle Number One: Traffic
Without traffic, no matter how excellent your blog is or how good the Adsense tips you use are, you will go nowhere and a having a top Adsense blog will remain nothing but an unfulfilled desire. A mirage in a dry desert.
This is sad because blogs have enormous potential for traffic and various tools and techniques can easily be used to greatly enhance traffic. For instance link-baiting posts, which provoke and cause numerous other blogs to quickly link to you can bring in huge amounts of traffic. Not to mention using carefully selected popular keywords that can attract huge traffic via search engines.
b) Top Adsense blog Obstacle Number Two: Inadequate Content
The way to earn serious cash or top dollar from any Adsense blog is to have plenty of useful content spread out over numerous pages. The problem with many blogs that aspire to reach the top ranks is that they do not have enough content. It is very important that the content is original because search engines greatly penalize duplicate content. Hire ghost writers or content providers to help you build up the number of pages on your Adsense blog to a level similar to that of the top Adsense blogs.
Find out how you can learn more about the best Adsense make money secrets from an expert who makes over $19,000 a month from Adsense. Or discover an easy way to increase traffic to your Adsense blog using only

Would you like to make money faster with your blog? If honest, most people will answer yes to this question and may even ask how. There's plenty of money to be made blogging, however, you have to know how to do it. You can't just wake up one morning and say I'm going to make money blogging.
If you want to make money blogging you need a tried and true method. That's right, a method, not just any method, but a proven one. You can come up with one on your own, but is it proven? Will it work? Of course, the answer to this is "I don't know." There has to be time, effort and a good bit of trial and error put into a method to test it.
But what if you don't have the time or energy to put into finding a method that is successful? Not to mention the disappointment that can come of trial and error tactics. You may have already tried several methods or you may be trying a new one as you read this in hopes that you will find the magic answer.
Sad to say there isn't a magic answer, but there is a solution and that solution is to get a coach. And not just any coach but one that has a proven method and can back it up with testimonies from every day people like you and me. No fake testimonies like the ones you see that have a fancy red sports car, swimming pool and huge mansion in the background.
You see, I had been trying for 6 months to make money blogging and got nothing except frustration from all my effort and ineffective methods. Don't get me wrong I did learn some things and I did make progress, however, I still wasn't making the money I needed.
I felt like a failure and was about to give up when I read about a woman who was making $5,000 a month blogging and had paid off all her debt as well. The more I read the more I wanted to find out how she did it. Come to find out she had a proven method, a plan in place and she followed that plan each and every day.
Right then and there I decided I wanted to know her method and she's been my coach ever since. Now, with her guidance I make more money and have a proven method to make it faster, do you? If your answer is no then what are you waiting for? Don't keep wasting time, get a coach.
The decision to sign up with a coach is the best one you can make. And guess what? It's not as costly as you may think for under a dollar a day you can have step by step instruction.
Stop trying to make money with methods that don't work go to for details on how to make money faster with a blogging coach.

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